Sunday, May 15, 2011

Watching TV and counting coins

Dear Eshvarhen,

When you want to watch tv, please have a care and not stand in my way, because I'm watching tv too. And didn't Amma tell you not to stand so close to the television? Your total attention is on the screen and stand there for the whole 30 minute watching Mickey Mouse.

And stop counting the coins and throwing them all over the bedroom floor, Amma makes me pick them up, not you.

And the story books are meant for reading, not to be drawn on. I don't mind personally but you know Amma doesn't like it and starts scolding.

Can you please learn to be a little less naughty? For both our sakes.

And by the way, a tiger, be it on television or in the book, is a tiger, it is not a WoWo.


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