Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Little Sweetheart

Dearest Small boy,
You’re talking in full sentences now. You are Amma sayang, and you’re a extremely loving child. I look forward to your morning hugs every morning and I just love the way to say “good morning, Amma”.
Of course you have your moody moments and you’re very short tempered, but again you have a big heart and you will slowly come to me and tell me that, “Oh, I am very sorry, Amma.”
I’ve tried to make you write something, but I think you attention span is much shorter than your Annai’s. Anyway, there’s no rush, your school will teach you all there is soon.
It’s so hard to get you to say bye bye to me as I leave for work since you’re so engrossed in your tv. Always remember that you make me beg every morning for your hug before I go off to work…

Love you, Easy Peasy,

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