Friday, August 27, 2010

Dancing Baby

Dear Eshvarhen,

You're clapping baby, and you're dancing, turning round and round while you sing your song with the ba,ba,ba,ba.....

You're playing hide and seek with Sakkti Velan very well for your age, and you hardly crawl anymore, you're either walking or running. You seem to be sleeping through the night this past week, and I hope you're finally going to give up waking up for yoru feeds at night.

Okay, baby, Amm will write soon. Take care, my little Dinosaur.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tying Eshvarhen

Mina Patti tied my waist me to the table today…’s supposed to stop me from running to the kitchen or climbing the stairs.

At first, I did not understand why my movement was restrained. But nobody’s going to tie Eshvarhen…I just wailed my head off until she carried me again.
**sniff** sniff***

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cry Baby

Eshvarhen, please don’t cry as if Amma is going to leave you. She’s just going to get your milk. She’s going to think I pushed you or something. Then who’s going to get the scolding?

Even if I did push you or pull you, you should not cry. I’m just “playing”. Be a sport.
