Friday, February 24, 2012

Eshvarhen talking

Hi everyone,

It's been long, I know. But I just learned to talk in full sentences, and I have a tough job impressing everyone with my vocabulary.

I'm 89 cm tall today, I think it's a pretty good achievement myself.

Bagyashri's begining to crawl now, so it's harder for Annai and I to play with our toys without disturbances. Bagyshri eats EVERYTHING, including the carpet. Hmmm....I wonder how Amma would react if she saw ME licking the back of the carpet. I DON'T think she will be amused.

So how's everyone doing? Pororo coming in anyone's dream? I JUST love PORORO!!!!!!

Gotta go watch Pororo.....see you my good friends.
