Friday, December 31, 2010

Best Friend, Worst Enemy

Dear Annai,

You're my best friend. You are my screaming buddy. You are my roll-on-the carpet buddy. I love to imitate whatever it is you do, whether it's lying flat on my stomach while watching television or carrying the poof from its place to the center of the hall and rolling on it.

You are also my worst enemy at this point of time in my life, because you take away all my toys. You run towards me and make me fall. You pinch me on the stomach and on my face. I ahve to share Amma and Appa with you!

Well, I suppose I should be thankful that you are at least sharing the sweets with me.

And I love kissing you good morning, it's the best part of each morning.

Happy 2011, Annai. Hope you enjoy school, and I will look forward to your return everyday so we can fight more.

Big hugs,

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